Quality, Affordable Housing is the Building Blocks of Community

Housing allows families to access education and employment, achieve gains in physical and mental health, and can lead to improved economic mobility.

Housing Comes First

What We Do

We present a unified voice to drive solutions to Capital Area’s housing problems in concert with partners in the Mayor's Office, Council Members, the criminal justice system, and Municipal Department Heads.

We provide a framework and structure for the city to undertake a housing plan with community input. Phase I of the housing study has been completed and our team is looking towards Phase II.

  • Drive Policy that impacts communities
  • Engage stakeholders from funders to political leaders to community advocates
  • Support every citizen to lead Outreach & Advocacy
  • Collaborate with partners locally and nationally
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Housing matters

East Baton Rouge Parish Needs Affordable Housing

We've completed Phase 1 of a two part housing study in East Baton Rouge Parish with the help of over 30 partners and dozens of community members.

See What We Learned
The Alliance

Who We Are

The Housing First Alliance presents a unified voice to drive solutions to Capital Area’s housing problems.
We are made up of organizations and individuals committed to advocating for the prioritization of housing issues on a local, regional, state, and federal level.

Engaging stakeholders

Are you a Baton Rouge Landlord?

We want to engage you in the solution.

Join the Alliance
Learn from the advocates

Our Stories

Sam Sanders

"Addressing blight has been a struggle in Baton Rouge for a few reasons."
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Community Member

"Buying a home changed my life."
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Making the Work Possible

Our Sponsors

Housing matters

Get Involved

We need YOUR help to foster a unified voice on housing policy and implementation